Oromia region assures the MOYESH is the best model for scaling up the beekeeping and silkworm farming business

On 6 April 2023, the More Young Entrepreneurs in Silk and Honey (MOYESH) Programme conducted a stakeholder sensitization workshop in Ambo town where hive and silkworm products were displayed, and constructive discussions were held with key partners. In the following week, the Oromia region steering committee chaired by H.E. Mr Abdurahman Abdela, with the level of vice president, and head of the Agriculture & Rural Development conducted its 5th meeting at Kuriftu Resort, in Bishoftu town. The objective of the meeting was to update, share good practices, review, and discuss the advancements of the programme implementation.

The steering committee listened to the presentations and explanations by the MOYESH team focusing on the three years period (2020-22) major activities, results, key learnings, and challenges. The meeting appreciated the implementation progresses, especially knowledge transfer, technology packages and perfect business models demonstrated by the programme.

Opening the discussions, Mr Abdurahman highlighted the substantial and productive outcomes that came out of the trustful partnership and joint efforts of icipe and the regional government. He states “The MOYESH outlook provides a very good overview of the current advancements. According to the report, the programme created jobs for 30,700 youth and produced and distributed 40,825 frame hives and many sericulture starter kits. The youth supported by the MOYESH produced 346,471kg of honey and generated ETB 260,916,030 income from beekeeping and value chain business in our region and its planning with some possible scenarios for scaling out are a statement of how sincere the programme is. This shows the coming years will be transformative years for all of us in terms of ensuring the government initiative “The White Legacy campaign” by raising apiculture development. Therefore, we would like to thank the icipe for its fruitful and excellent collaboration and urge to continue.”
Participants actively shared their insights, expertise, experiences, and lessons learned from the programme and aligned government initiatives. They stressed that honey production and productivity are rapidly increasing, decent jobs created for young people, transfer of knowledge, skills, technologies, access to loans and market linkages for the youth are also productive interventions observed following the introduction of MOYESH. All these illustrate the fruits of strong collaboration between icipe and the region.
Dr Tolera Kumsa researcher, at the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture, said, “In collaboration, with icipe we did a remarkable achievement in enhancing the quality and standard of frame hives. This year alone, from the hive production and distribution transactions, the value chain actors generated ETB 156 million. In addition, youth enterprises joined the online markets through digital technology. That is why we are very loud to assure MOYESH is the best intervention model that reflects the desires of our region.”

Mr Seifudin Mehadu, Oromia Environment Protection Authority, Head said “The progress report examines how the programme can meet its goals and the government’s needs, including the ways forward and their implications for job opportunities and sector development. The inclusive intervention models and provisions are shaping the appropriate development paths. The youth already acquired entrepreneurial initiative, improved technologies, and adequate input to engage in beekeeping and sericulture businesses. We see the benefits not only in creating jobs and fostering economic activities but also its contribution for improving environmental health is very striking”.
On the scalability and market linkages, Mr. Desta, Negesso, Oromia Region Agriculture & Rural Development Office Head emphasized that “through the MOYESH Programme, icipe become an influential partner and is seminal for the economic fortunes of our young people. Its provisions are centered on a series of pathbreaking technological changes in beekeeping, sericulture, and integrated farming activities. We observe the youth are quick to take advantage of technology and know how to make a living. Imagine what a difference a couple of years could make. We are very grateful and always urge the region to provide a recognition award for icipe for its high rate of performance and plans to expand its interventions horizons.”
The successful meeting concluded by acknowledging icipe for its crucial contributions to creating wealth and poverty reduction through apiculture and sericulture and value chain developments. The Committee confirmed the readiness for cooperation and will guarantee the coordination of all related work in the region under their responsibility.
Since its launch in 2019 by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) and the Mastercard Foundation, the MOYESH programme promotes sustainable job creation through apiculture, and sericulture development as well as integrated farming business in Ethiopia.
Notes for Editors
About Mastercard Foundation
Mastercard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper. Through its Young Africa Works strategy and Canadian EleV program, the Foundation works with partners to ensure that millions of young people, especially young women, access quality education, financial services, and dignified work. Mastercard Foundation was established in 2006 through the generosity of Mastercard when it became a public company. The Foundation is independent with its own Board of Directors and CEO. For more information and to sign up for the Foundation’s newsletter, please visit http://www.mastercardfdn.org/ Follow the Foundation on Twitter at @MastercardFdn
The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (www.icipe.org), headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, is the only research institution in Africa working primarily on insects and other arthropods. The Centre conducts world-class science and then translates this knowledge into innovative environmentally friendly, affordable, accessible and easy-to-use solutions to tackle crop pests and disease vectors. icipe’s role also extends to the conservation and sustainable exploitation of beneficial insect biodiversity. Thus, icipe works through the 4Hs Themes – Human Health, Animal Health, Plant Health and Environmental Health – a holistic and integrated framework that has sustainable development as its basis, to improve food security, health and the overall well-being of communities in Africa. We gratefully acknowledge the support of icipe core donors: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida); Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR); Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of the Republic of Kenya. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the donors.