Technical Skills Development in Apiculture and Sericulture in Melkassa
In partnership with Melkassa Agricultural Research Center, the MOYESH Programme organized a refreshment training in technical skills development in Apiculture and Sericulture for twenty-nine programme Research Assistants and one woreda focal person in Melkassa from the 21st-26th of March 2022.
The six-day training focused on practical work, display, and field observations. It was complemented with audiovisuals and powerpoint presentations. The training was mainly aimed at empowering the programme Research Assistants have been deployed on the ground to respond to empowering the youth economy. Well-experienced experts including Dr. Freweini Assefa, Deputy Programme Coordinator, Dr. Shifa Ballo, Sericulture Manager, Lulseged Belayhun, Beekeeping Manager and Senior Researchers from Melkassa Agricultural Research Center have explained the ways how to enhance and transform the apiculture and sericulture sub-sectors through the MOYESH programme.

The trainees expressed their happiness for the exposure and presented their plans on how to move on with the transformation of the two components of the programme. According to them, it was beyond a refreshment training rather, a training that created a great opportunity to acquire new insights and experience in the discipline.
In his keynote remark, Mr. Esayas Mulatu, Senior Deputy Programme Coordinator of MOYESH, deliberated on the application of the training. As has been stressed by him, the training is precisely the right modality to significantly drive the achievement of the programme by creating dignified and fulfilling jobs for thousands of unemployed and underemployed young men and women as well as millions along the value chains.

The training was concluded on the 26th of March 2022 by awarding certificates to the trainees for their successful completion. The certificates were issued by Dr. Freweini Assefa, MOYESH Deputy Programme Coordinator and Dr. Bedru Beshir, Melkassa Agricultural Research Center Director.