On 16 and 17 April 2022, the icipe-MOYESH programme Oromia region organized a honey festival at Bedele town. The event brought together key public-private stakeholders, financial institutions, cooperatives, unions, universities and research centers, and the media. Beza Mar, Green Face Trading, and Hailemariam and Beekeeping Products Trading (HMBPT) were among the potential buyers attending the event. His Excellency Mr Tolera Debela, head of livestock development Oromia Agriculture Bureau and Girma Befekadu/Fekadu Head of Buno Bedele zone administration officially launched the first kind of festival in the area by cutting the ribbon.A total of 2800 people attended and 48 (19 female and 29 male) MOYESH youth enterprises from eight districts displayed 4560kg processed, packaged, and labelled table honey, beeswax, and foundation sheets. In addition, 8 model farmers and beekeeping input suppliers exhibited hives, protective clothing, and beeswax.
The magnificent festival has drawn the attention of social and mainstream media outlets. It was aired and featured by Fana Broadcasting Corporation (TV and radio), Oromia Broadcasting Network (TV and radio), Ethiopian press agency (Ethiopian Herald and Addis Zemen) and the region, zone, and district communication offices using their social media in different languages. The dwellers of Bedele town and surrounding areas also visited the festival and purchased honey for consumption. From the honey sales, the youth enterprises generated over 1,596,000ETB (USD$31,294).
The festival was accompanied by a panel discussion held in the afternoon session on 16 April 2022. Teshome Kumela, MOYESH programme Oromia regional manager welcomed the visitors and special guests of honours and explained the overview of icipe, MOYESH programme progress updates, the objective of the festival, the key achievements of the programme and the panel discussion tips. Constructive discussions were also held on the way forward to work with the private sector, exporters, and agro-industry parks to create strong market opportunities for youth partners. The event met its desired purpose of creating a conducive environment to interact with honey value chain actors and connecting producers, products, and marketers.